Class Teacher: Miss Bullimore
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Richards
Mrs Richards
Likes: reality tv, going out for food and going to Wales with my family
Dislikes: Spiders and mushrooms
Miss Bullimore
Likes: Costco cakes, holidays, Wales and walks outside
Dislikes: butterflies, peanuts and snakes.

The Y5 pupils are aged 9/ 10 and have a great responsibility in our school. One of the biggest and most important responsibility is being a buddy to our youngest pupils in the school. The job of a good buddy is to help a child to grow up, develop as a person and be there should they be needed.
Y5 Pupils have lots of fun learning experiences out of the classroom including a residential this year.
It is an important year for our pupils as they are developing the skills they need for High School and beyond. It is also important to choose to be POSITIVE in Year 5.

Welcome to our classroom
We have lots of working walls to help us with our learning. We will learn to be more responsible for our own equipment and learning. We also really enjoy displaying our own work to show our friends.

Maths in Year 5
From September 2020, Year 5 will be using Power Maths during their Maths lessons.
Before each topic, your child will be sent home with a list of things that will be covered so they can prepare for the topics covered.
Please don't forget to log onto Sumdog and TT Rockstars at home.

Current texts in Year 5

Pathways to write Class read
Pathways to write
In Year 5 we use Pathways to write to support our writing and Literacy lessons. Above are some of the texts we will cover in the year.

Guided Reading in Year 5
In Year 5, we used Big Cat Collins as our guided reading texts. We also do whole class reads from time to time. Each week your child will read a text in a group and the complete tasks on what they have read. One way they do this is through the VIPERS sheet below.
Click on the read icon to see what type of questions are on the VIPERS.

KS2 Reading Vipers

Knowledge Organisers
Learning Projects