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Class Teacher:
Mrs Endemano
Teaching Assistant:
Mrs Lightfoot
Mrs Endemano
Loves Liverpool Football Club, long walks in the countryside with her gorgeous dog Duke and growing plants in her greenhouse.

This year in Literacy we are continuing to follow the Pathways to write scheme. Pathways to write is built around units of work which develop vocabulary, reading and writing skills through a mastery approach. Here are the texts we will bo focusing on in Year 6:

Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2

In Maths this year we are going to be following the Power Maths/White Rose programme. Every Maths lesson is divided into different sections including discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. It is a curriculum mastery approach.

In Science, we are continuing to follow the Developing Experts Scheme. Your child will be encouraged to work scientifically and inquisitively throughout the topics covered in Year 6: Animals including Humans, Light, Living things and their Habitats, Electricity, Evolution and inheritance.
Learning Project
During Year 6, we will cover three different curriculum themes also known as Learning Projects. Our Learning Projects will be:
The Vikings
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