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Mr Stirk 

I enjoy spending time with my son and going to Chester Zoo. 

I am a season ticket holder at Burnley Football Club. 

I also enjoy gardening. 

Mrs Pierce 

I enjoy going shopping with my four daughters. 

I have two dogs called Paddy and Slinky, that I enjoy walking. 

I enjoy going the music festivals. 

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Class Teachers- Mr Stirk 
Teaching Assistant-
Mrs Pierce 


Year 3 Class Noticeboard
Here are some useful links to different learning platforms we use in Year 3:


ilearn2 logo.JPG
Developing Experts Logo.JPG




Useful information

  • Reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure that reading books/diaries are brought into school every day, even if your child's book does not need changing. 

  • Homework and handwriting activities will be sent home each week on a Friday, 

  • Spellings will also be sent home on a Friday, to be tested in school the following Friday.

  • Our class book this half-term is 'This Morning I Met a Whale' by Michael Morpurgo. If your child has a copy of this book or can borrow one from the library please can they bring it into school, so they can follow the text as we read aloud as a class.


  • To help us learn our times tables we use TT Rockstars! Now we are in Year 3, the children should know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. By the end of the year we also need to know the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.

  • All children in Year 3 also have a Sumdog account. Sumdog is a personalised maths and spelling practice that includes lots of great games.

  • Please click on the images below to be directed to the websites:


This year in Literacy, we are continuing to follow the Pathways to Write scheme. Pathways to Write is built around units of work which develop vocabulary, reading and writing skills through a mastery approach. Key skills are taught and repeated, allowing children multiple opportunities throughout each unit to apply their skills until they can be mastered fully. 
Here are the class texts we will be focusing on in Year 3:

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Autumn 1


Autumn 2

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Spring 1

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Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2

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In Numeracy this year we are continuing to follow the Power Maths programme. Power Maths is a curriculum mastery programme that nurtures children’s confidence in Maths.
Every Maths lesson is divided into different sections including discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Five individual characters feature throughout the programme to encourage and inspire children with their own positive skillsets. 


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Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

The Characters

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Year 3 content overview

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This year in Science we are following the Developing Experts Scheme. Your child will be encouraged to work scientifically and inquisitively throughout the topics covered in Year 3:  Animals Including Humans, Plants, Forces and Magnets, Light and Rocks.

Developing Experts KO.JPG

Animals Including Humans
Autumn 1
Knowledge Organiser


Learning Project
During Year 3, we will cover three different curriculum themes known as Learning Projects.  

Our class Learning Projects will be:

  • Ancient Egyptians

  • Rivers

  • Pre-historic: Stone Age to Iron Age 

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Ancient Egyptians
Knowledge Organiser


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Knowledge Organiser


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