Our Curriculum
Our vision for the curriculum is a vehicle which prepares our children for life in the twenty-first century by creating opportunities for learning that are engaging, motivating and memorable.
Our curriculum is a system that encourages independence, curiosity and creativity: a system that produces collaborators, innovators, leaders and, above all, a curriculum which enables pupils to understand what it is like to be human.
The Pewithall School curriculum is exceptionally well designed and provides pupils with every building block to be successful in later life.
The curriculum combines six groups of skills that, together with the functional skills of English, Mathematics and computing, are essential to success in learning, life and work.
These grouped skills are entitled:
Independent thinkers
Creative Thinkers
Reflective Learners
Team Workers
Self- Managers
Effective participators
Each group of skills is distinctive, coherent and interconnected. This ensures that pupils develop skills and knowledge at the same rate.
Skills Progression
A thoroughly mapped progression skills map for every subject ensures that pupils are given age-appropriate, challenging work in every year group. We believe that not a moment, in school, should be wasted and life is not a dress rehearsal for our pupils. Therefore, every moment should have meaning.
Content and Concepts
To ensure that pupils are taught R.E, PSCHE, Personal Development and SMSC, we have a concept-based approach to our curriculum teaching. Pupils are taught about a range of concepts from adversity to loyalty; from freedom to forgiveness. This develops the whole child - not just the academic child.
Enquiry question
The enquiry question shapes and moulds the learning so that it has deep philosophic meaning for the pupils.
Examples of this are:
Why is the sky blue? Does adversity always make you stronger? Are all invaders bad people?
Authentic outcomes
An authentic outcome for the culmination of the learning is essential. This could be pupils creating their own museum, a performance, a book, a wildlife pond, a residential trip or an ancient artefact. This outcome combines all the skills that are gained from learning.
Critical Audience and Critique
To ensure pupils know and remember more about their learning, we invite audiences to comment on the authentic outcome for praise and positive improvement. Pupils will be encouraged to justify their choices.
This curriculum model ensures pupils are effective learners, knowing and remembering more over time.

Curriculum Design