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Modern Foreign Languages- Curriculum

MFL Curriculum Impact

Our MFL curriculum has been designed to develop skills in Spanish progressively. We use Duolingo to deliver the majority of our MFL curriculum.


This ensures children acquire a bank of vocabulary organized around topics. They ensure development is progressive as they build on previous knowledge from units already studied. 

All children in KS2 are taught Spanish in a weekly discreet lesson. 

KS1 children are introduced to MFL through exploring other languages informally when studying other countries. 

Still Life with a Guitar

MFL Curriculum Implementation

Children enjoy and achieve in MFL through learning Spanish over the four years that they are in KS2. The most important factor is that pupils have a good understanding of the structure of  language other than English and we create enthusiasm for the love of languages and how they develop.



Teachers assess Spanish throughout lessons using ‘assessment through learning’ at the end of each unit of work. Through the Duolingo App.

This helps teachers plan for future lessons. 

Red Flamenco Dress

MFL Progression Document

Spanish Tortilla

MFL Curriculum Intent 


At Pewithall School, the intention of our MFL curriculum is to develop an interest in and thirst for learning other languages. We aim to introduce the learning of the  Spanish language and the understanding of their culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways. We hope to embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. We aim to build the children’s ‘culture capital’ so that they are aware of similarities and differences between cultures. In short, we hope to lay the foundations for future language learning. 

Flag of Spain
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