Our Governors come from a range of backgrounds and bring different areas of expertise to the school. Governors contribute to ensuring high standards of achievement for all children in the school by:
Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
A Governor’s role is to support and challenge the senior staff to continue to improve the school. It is largely a thinking and questioning role and Governors are not there to manage the school or do the jobs of school staff.
Governors fulfil their role by regularly attending Governing Body meetings, providing strategic guidance and by asking probing and challenging questions of leaders within the school. They also undertake visits, serve on relevant committees and oversee the Headteacher’s performance management.
Board of Governors
The structure of the governing body is as follows:
2 Parent Governors: Mrs A French & Mrs K Ravenscroft
1 LA Governor: Mr N Hutchinson
1 Staff Governor: Mrs O'Neill
1 Head Teacher: Mr D. Baugh
5 Co-opted Governors:
Mr N Burgess ( Chair) Mr W Hankin, Mr R Collings & Mr N Hutchinson (Vice Chair).
Associate Members
Miss E Jewkes.
Curriculum: David Baugh, Neil Burgess, Warren Hankin, Noel Hutchinson, Ellena Jewkes, Suzanne O'Neil.
Finance: Warren Hankin, Neil Burgess, David Baugh.
Premises: David Baugh, Warren Hankin.
Pay & Personnel: Neil Burgess, David Baugh, Noel Hutchinson and Michelle Freeman.
Head Teacher's Performance Management: Neil Burgess, Noel Hutchinson and Michelle Freeman .

Governor Interests