Geography- Curriculum
Geography Curriculum Implementation
Geography is integrated into ‘Learning Projects’ throughout the year that engage our children, provide a clear context for their learning and have geography skills entwined and incorporated throughout.
The use of progression documents ensure coverage through the delivery of the statutory requirements for KS 1 and 2 as outlined within the National Curriculum for Geography.
The structure of our curriculum makes Geography a whole school focus known as, ‘Explore’.
Teachers plan, ‘learning projects’ that ensure curriculum coverage in Geography.
An enquiry question provides a starting point for their projects.
Planning requires teachers to actively think what their curriculum needs to include to be relevant to their children in their context.

Geography Curriculum Impact
Throughout, children are encouraged to think deeply about their work, expand their horizons and take responsibility for their learning.
Children work towards authentic outcomes and engage and work alongside experts and professionals to support learning and teaching.
Projects use a combination of direct teaching, facilitated learning and guided discovery.
Children are taught through discussion, practical activity, games, investigations, problem solving, research, role-play and recording.
We use a wide range of resources to collect secondary geographical information such as poems, story books, novels, travel accounts, brochures, magazines, TV, DVD and newspapers.
Atlases, globes, maps, plans and Geographical Information systems (Multi- map – Google Maps) support teaching and learning.
Fieldwork is integral to our geography teaching and we use our school, its grounds, our immediate locality and localities further afield to give children the opportunities to develop, enhance and apply fieldwork skills and techniques.

Geography Curriculum Intent
At Pewithall Primary School, Geography provides children with a means of:
unravelling the mystery of people, places and environments in the fast-changing world in which they live.
making connections on a local, regional and global scale.
creating a fascination about the world, its people and how they interact.
gaining a sense of place, belonging and identity.
creating a learning journey that promotes awe and wonder; where children’s curiosities about the world influences the direction that their learning takes.
understanding interconnectivity and interdependence.
understanding the processes that shape our world – both physical and human.
enabling them to understand that they are global citizens who can contribute to their world through environmental perceptions, change, stewardship and sustainable futures.
knowing that geography is about our world past, present and future.
seeing geography as topical and emotive subject that deals with real issues.