Our Values
Contact Us
Pewithall Primary School
Kenilworth Avenue
Tel: 01928 576139
Head: Mr D.P. Baugh
Deputy Head: Mrs O'Neill
Chair of the board of governors:
Mr N. Burgess
SENDCO: Mrs S. Strain
Contact Name: Mrs S. Tharme/ Miss D. Bibby
Email: sec.pewithall@haltonlearning.net

Head Teacher's Message
Hello and welcome to Pewithall Primary School.
As you will be aware, a website is the window to our school and an opportunity for you to get a snapshot of what school life is like at Pewithall School. I hope you enjoy browsing the many class pages and information we have on offer for you.
Whether you are a prospective parent, pupil, professional, educational specialist or member of our community, you are always very welcome at Pewithall School. Our school is a special place where magic happens at every moment of every day. We work tirelessly to ensure that our pupils get the best possible education.
An education that starts with our pupils understanding and living the concept that respectful behaviour towards all people in our community is essential to success at our school. Once this has been established, we have created a spectacular learning environment in which pupils live and breathe positive experiences so they are fully emersed in joyful learning which prepares them for life but will ensure they understand what it is to be human.
We are passionate about reading and ensuring pupils swiftly learn to gather all the building blocks they need to be fluent readers so they can absorb information for themselves. Pupils are guided by skilled practitioners to build on these skills and use them to learn for themselves so they can delve into the world and find out about topics and areas of interest that excite them.
As well as the children, the real shining stars of our school are our staff, every one of them shares my love of working with young people. We bring the best out in young people by getting to know them and their interests, so we fully understand their needs and how to make their time at school an enjoyable experience for both them and us.
Another essential part of the Pewithall partnership are our parents, governors and community members. All stakeholders are truly committed to helping the school grow and pupils achieve their personal goals.
We believe that our children have no limit to their learning.
Our website, although very useful, does not do our school justice, to truly get the full Pewithall experience please come and visit us.
Best wishes,
Mr David Baugh
Head Teacher
‘Teaching and learning brings joy to those who enter Pewithall School.’
‘Music is life!’

Useful Links
At Pewithall School we believe that all people in our community have the right to teach and learn in a safe environment without fear of being bullied.

Please note that this school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
The senior designated person for child protection is: Mr David P Baugh.
The deputy designated person for child protection is: Mrs O'Neill.
Extra Funding
Did you know that all schools receive extra funding for pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals? It's called Pupil Premium.
If you thinking that your child might be entitled to Free School Meals, either call into Halton Link to apply or you can call into the school office and we can give you information and an application form.
Its is worth applying even if your child has a packed lunch as we will receive funding which will be directly spent on additional interventions for your child which could included one to one tuition.
Opening Times
School Opens at 08:30 am.
School Closes at 3 pm.
Any questions?
Pewithall is an Eco School. If you would like a paper copy of any information on this website please email us and it will be provided for you.